Comparing two VCF files from command line **************************************** For convenience a common operation of VCF comparison can be done from command line like this:: $ python3 -m genomvar compare_vcf vcf1.vcf vcf2.vcf > comparison.vcf Unit variants: first only: 1 second only: 2 both: 105 The numbers can be used for plotting Venn diagram and indicate corresponding patch sizes. File ``comparison.vcf`` will contain something like this:: chr1 18353435 . C G 100 . mt=SNP;whichVCF=both;ln=186;ln2=374 chr1 18704102 . T A 100 . mt=SNP;whichVCF=both;ln=187;ln2=375 INFO fields indicate which VCF contains the variant on the line. ``ln`` and ``ln2`` indicate line numbers in original files.